Data Blog by Lizeo


Track price changes on its competitive perimeter

The daily work of pricers consists in a wide set range tasks from maintaining the consistency of the pricing policy to the sales support. This, plus the volume of pricing data to monitor, makes it impossible to secure the price competitiveness of the entire SKU perimeter. This often results in the default choice to monitor and analyse only key offers at the risk of missing out real opportunities or threats on long-tails offers or niche markets.

Your challenges:

  • Large volume of competing price data to analyse
  • Weekly monitoring to stay competitive
  • Track the entire dimensional scope and not the default key offers

Lizeo.price competitiveness alerting: automatic tyre tariff watch ​

Lizeo®.price competitiveness alerting is a software-as-service (SAAS) solution developed specifically for Pricing teams in the tyre industry. This tool allows you to implement an automatic tariff watch over your entire competitive range and range.
The solution makes it possible to extend this surveillance perimeter without additional effort and to anticipate major trends by highlighting the early warning signals allowing the recalibration of prices while there is still time. Your Pricing teams are automatically alerted if price competitiveness has drifted for several days, on any size and market area.

Solution description

 Lizeo®.price competitiveness alerting is based on a Price Index and Target Corridor logic. The definition of the targets is made at several levels (market segment, dimension, SKU) from the web interface or by integration of files in Excel or csv format.

Visuel de l'interface Prix Lizeo avec paramétrage du corridor

The solution allows to identify key alerts with dedicated dashboards.

Graphique de la solution Lizeo qui identifie les alertes clés à l'aide d'un graphique comparatif entre les site de vente en ligne, et ce, en fonction des semaines

The solution allows to dig in details of key alerts and identify root causes at SKU level and to Monitor the declining number of alerts following your corrective actions.

Your benefits :

  • Monitoring and measurement of corrective actions
  • Real-time price adjustment possible in all areas
  • Time saving in the weekly follow-up

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